New Federal Act on Data Protection: SwissGlobal remains ISO-certified for your security!
Once again, SwissGlobal has successfully completed all its ISO audits. In May 2023, our certifications for ISO 9001, ISO 17100 und ISO 18587 were put through their paces once more.
Why ISO matters
Over two days, two auditors checked and assessed our management system and all our processes for effectiveness and conformity. The result was a detailed audit report that we are using as a basis for developing various measures for improvement. An ISO audit is an exciting challenge every year and a new chance for continuous improvement.
ISO certifications are essential for us as a Swiss language service provider. These certifications are an integral part of our quality management and offer our clients transparency, security and the guarantee of high-quality language services.
Right now, with the arrival of the New Federal Act on Data Protection, we would particularly like to emphasise the importance of ISO-certified quality.
The New Federal Act on Data Protection – What? When? Why?
The Federal Council has decided: The New Federal Act on Data Protection (nFADP) will come into force in Switzerland on 1 September. Briefly, this Act governs how personal data can be processed and the duties of anyone who processes that data.
Our society is currently going through a digital transformation, and technological inventions are being developed at breakneck speed. As a result, a review of current data protection legislation was needed as a matter of urgency. The new provisions also ensure that Swiss legislation is compatible with European law. This is the only way for Switzerland to continue to be recognised within the EU as a third country with an appropriate level of data protection.
So what does this mean for Swiss firms?
If you think that the new FADP will affect you and your company only slightly, if at all, you are unfortunately wrong.
Make sure you find out in good time about the changes and in which circumstances they will affect you. There may even be measures that you should be able to implement by 1 September without too much effort.
From 1 September onwards, anyone found in breach of the new law may be fined up to CHF 250,000, instead of only CHF 10,000. It is, therefore, essential that you ensure that all your procedures and processes conform to the new Act.
If you have any questions, you can click here for more information about the New Federal Act on Data Protection. You can also contact the Federal Office of Justice for information at
Do you need more data security in your translations?
So what does this mean for your translations and other language services? SwissGlobal recommends that you treat all language projects with the highest data security and confidentiality.
Are you looking to reduce costs and would rather translate your texts using machine translation?
We understand! Which company doesn’t want to save money and time nowadays?! For data protection reasons, though, you should steer clear of DeepL or Google Translate.
At SwissGlobal, you can order not only specialised human translations but also machine translations with post-editing. This solution costs less and can be delivered more quickly.
How do these differ from your free translations? With us, your confidential data doesn’t end up on the internet – and you will not be breaking the law.
Would you like to check the data security of your current translation partner and compare it with a non-binding quote from SwissGlobal?
We will be happy to advise you and can provide a broad range of language solutions.
Click here for our contact form.
Data protection